Thursday, November 3, 2016

What the Filipino and Senator De Lima Didn't Know About American Made Guns?

The post below shows that not all the guns used by Americans where made in U.S.A., and only proved that there are many manufacturers of guns in the world with low prices but still have the quality and power.

(This post consist of 2 page articles)

I have written and copied this post from around the internet (a trusted website - you can see the source after the post) because I want to show to my fellow Filipinos including madame De Lima (who really fears or concerned about the US government cancellation of selling assault riffles to PNP - Read here) that Philippine government can buy guns that is also used by Americans.

The post below shows and proved that from 1987 until 1994, some 42 percent of all rifles imported into the United States had come from China. Read it below.

In May 2000, Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Pete Stark, and Carolyn McCarthy wrote a letter to their House counterparts urging them to deny China a far-reaching and highly-coveted trade status called Permanent Normal Trade Relations. In their warning, the three Democrats didn’t mention the potentially damaging economic or political ramifications of such a relationship with China or even invoke the country’s infamous human-rights record. Instead, they focused on one specific issue: semi-automatic weapons.

From 1987 until 1994, some 42 percent of all rifles imported into the United States had come from China. The representatives noted that an embargo had been imposed in 1994 because, in just a few years, China “had exported almost one million Chinese rifles to the United States—more than made by all U.S. manufacturers combined in 1992.” Conferring this new trade designation, they argued, would effectively unravel the embargo and allow assault rifles like the SKS semi-automatic to become cheaply available again. “What made them attractive was their power and inexpensive price, only $55.95, they wrote of the SKS, noting its popularity among neo-Nazis, gangs, and white supremacists. The letter concluded, “Don't give China the power to decide gun policy in the United States.” The bill was signed into law that October.

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What the Filipino and Senator De Lima Didn't Know About American Made Guns?
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