Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Inferiority Complex Joke

Harry was thrilled. After seeing a psychologist for over three years, he was finally pronounced free to go. “Wow this is so exciting you mean I am finally cured?!”

Questioned Harry excitedly, “You mean I no longer have an inferiority complex!”

“Well” said the psychologist slowly,

“to be perfectly honest with you I don’t think you ever had an inferiority complex. After much thought I have come to a conclusion. I think you really are inferior!”

Pregnancy Joke

Brian’s stress level was at unsurpassed levels.

His wife Maggie was in labor and Brian was sure it was time to head to the hospital. Breathing heavily, Brian grabbed the phone and called the doctor.


The doctor tried to relax the poor fellow, “just try to relax, now tell me how much time elapses between the contractions?”


“And is this her first child?” Questioned the doctor. “NO YOU STUPID NITWIT, THIS IS HER HUSBAND!”

Good News Or Bad News?

Bob was in a terrible motorcycle accident and his legs weren’t in great shape, to say the least.

After a couple of weeks of therapy, it soon became clear to the Doctor that they were just pushing off the inevitable.

Due however, to Bob’s frail condition, the Doctor was afraid to give him the bad news.

Instead, he gave the sorry job to Bob’s wife of 40 years, hoping that she would know how to break the bad news to him ever so slowly and gently.

“Honey”, said Bob’s wife Eva the next morning, “I’ve got good news and bad news, which one would you like to hear first?”

Bob, always in a morbid state, responded in his usual grumpy voice, “what do I care? Just give me the bad news!”

“Well dear,” said Eva cupping Bob’s hand with her two hands, “I hate to have to tell you this, but it seems like your legs are going to have to be taken off.”

Bob, barely able to hold his voice from cracking croaked out, “Eva, what’s the good news?”

“The good news” said Eva happily, “is that that the gardener that was in here just before, said he may be interested in buying your slippers from you!”


“I hate to have to tell you this”, said the Doctor in a sad compassionate voice, “but you have been unfortunately been diagnosed with a highly contagious disease, we will have to quarantine you and you’ll only be fed cheese and bologna.”

“That’s terrible!” Said the distraught young man, quickly sitting down before he could faint.

“I don’t know if I could handle being in quarantine… and the cheese and bologna diet… What’s with the cheese and bologna diet anyway? I’ve never of such a diet before?!”

“It’s not exactly a diet”, responded the Doctor matter of factly, “it’s just the only food that will fit under the door!”

Toilet Humor

A lady came in for a routine physical at the doctor’s office .

“Here”, said the nurse, handing her a urine specimen container. “The bathroom is over there on your right. The doctor will be with you in a few minutes.”

A few minutes later the lady came out of the bathroom with an empty container and a relieved look on her face.

“Thanks! But they had a toilet in there, so I didn’t need this after all!”

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